Install NixOS on Google Compute Engine; how to?

· 7 min · NixOS, server-configuration, tutorial

⚠️ Prerequisites:

  1. make sure you have a running NixOS on some machine or at least an access to nix-shell or nix shell CLI commands.
  2. you have enabled Cloud Storage Buckets API on your project.
  3. you have created a bucket on your project (write down the bucket’s name!).


  1. on your NixOS, clone nixpkgs.

    git clone --depth=1 --branch <nixOS_version>
  2. run.

    nix shell nixpkgs#google-cloud-sdk
  3. run

    gcloud auth login.

this will redirect you to your browser to login via your GCE’s google account.

  1. export your PROJECT_ID with this command.

    export PROJECT_ID=<your_project_id>
  2. set your project on Google Cloud SDK with this command.

    gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID
  3. you can then check if it has been set using.

    gcloud config get project

    this should print out your PROJECT_ID.


  4. now, you can run this command to upload NixOS.tar image on your Bucket:

    BUCKET_NAME=<your_bucket_name> nixpkgs/nixos/maintainers/scripts/gce/


  5. wait until it’s done.

    this process will run a shell script that will install NixOS, compress it to .tar, and then upload it to your Bucket.

  6. you can then check it on your Bucket. there will be a new file in there.


  7. next step is to set your to-be-installed server’s compute/zone a.k.a. location. this can be done using

    gcloud config get compute/zone <your_preferred_zone>


    gcloud config get compute/zone asia-southeast1-b
  8. copy the URI of the NixOS image on your Bucket. you can do so by opening the image’s menu and Copy gsutil URI.


  9. now is the time to create a new image on your Google Compute Engine using the custom image you just created and uploaded to your Bucket.

    run this command:

    gcloud compute images create <your_server_name> --source-uri <your_image_uri>

    for instance:

    gcloud compute images create gce-nixos-asia-southeast1-b --source-uri gs://gce_nixos_server/nixos-image-24.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.raw.tar.gz
  10. well done! now if it’s there’s nothing wrong, you’ll get this printed on your screen


  11. now you can create a new instance on your Google Compute Engine as usual, but this time config the Boot Disk, go to Custom Image, and then select the newly-created image.


  12. when everything’s good with your instance config, you can proceed to create your instance. after that you can go check your Compute Engine, there should be a new instance there!
